The Journey is another art piece that I challenged myself.
All the textures are hand painted just like those 1980's Japanese animation.  The far background cloud, close clouds, and the terrain in the background are all hand painted on Photoshop.  The moving parts, which is the cape, and flowers were drawn frame by frame to mimic the 1980's Japanese animations.
This art piece is the same as 'The Giant", which was the world that I imaged when I was a kid.  Oz, the mystical man is Oz, and I was imagining I was him while I was making this art piece.
By adding the giant skeleton in the scene, and odd looking castles, viewers know this is a surreal world, not just a middle age world.
Oz is going on a long journey.  He will be visiting many different places, and countering not only other living things, but also machines. 
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